Please note: We are not approving new Amazon/Web retailers at this time.

Phone: 1.888.352.0214 Option 2 or Email: wholesale@livonlabs.com

For International Inquiries: Please review our International Shipping Policy prior to completing an application to see if your country is listed under "Countries We Cannot Ship To."

* Denotes a required field
Minimum Purchase Requirements*:
Eligibility for Wholesale requires purchase of a minimum of four cases per year. Each case contains 12 cartons.
Is this a requirement your company anticipates to meet?
Company Name* and DBA (if applicable):
Name and Phone of Owner/Partner/Officer:
Date Established:
Billing Country*:
(see International Shipping Policy)
Billing Address Line 1:
Billing Address Line 2:
Billing City:
Billing State:
Billing Zip/Postal Code:
Primary Contact First Name*:
Primary Contact Last Name*:
Describe your business*:
Do you sell products to the general public?
(hold CTRL and click to select multiple options)
Check box if you sell products within a physical location:
Do you sell products on eCommerce sites like Amazon.com?
(check box for "yes")
List each Web URL where you intend to sell LivOn products:
How did you hear about LivOn Labs?*
If you selected Tradeshow above, please fill in the Tradeshow Name:
Describe Other Products You Sell